
InterSALUD is a private no profit organization that is oriented towards the formulation, management and execution of person health service as well as integral health programs, according to the policies and guidelines established by the Ecuadorian Health Ministry.

We are a non-governmental organization that contributes with preventive and curative health actions, programs and projects, which are supportive of Ecuador´s unprotected areas, seeking integrated, individual and social wellbeing, solidarity and social justice.

We want to be an Ecuadorian organization that impulses preventive and curative health programs that allow for a favorable life change in the most vulnerable areas of the country, carrying out this labor in an effective, efficient and in a humane form.

Our bases for our projects are:intersalud

Physical Area

  • Medical Caravans
  • Health Prevention Training

Emotional Area

  • Psychological Counseling
  • Talks For Parents, Youth and Children

Social AreaCampamento

  • Camps (Adolescents and Youth)
  • Extreme Tour (Adolescents and Youth)
  • Footprints (Children)

Environmental Area

  • Water Filters

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